Tag Archives: YouTube

Inspirtion is Art, Freedom, Love, and Life

Sitting here on Saturday after  Thanksgiving, and the Black Friday madness, it not until tonight it dawned on me two things, The first is what I am truly thankful for which is none other than the greatest  substance an artist can have which is inspiration! Inspiration comes in so many forms and is different for every person but my inspirations are simple and a few new discovered. First is my dear and great friend Jonathan just because of his personality and his presence and spirit that gave genuine meaning to my work, second is none other than Lady Gaga who’s message has inspired and lit the way for the creation of a more diverse and accepting world through her music, and hysterics, and recently a few individuals that inspired me in whom I found on YouTube and just have great advice, humor, and provide utmost support and an understanding outlook on the world: Davey Wavey and ILIKEJAOQUIN!

Thanks! And here is where inspiration has taken me, it’s called VII and it is the latest addition to my collection “TIME: Forever and Always” enjoy!

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Posted by on November 26, 2011 in life, philosophy, poetry


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The Lack Of Evidence, Evidently, Isn’t the Evidence of Absence

Wonderful! Mindless YouTube searching has resulted once again in an amazing waste of time and has proved to be an invaluable asset to my modest corner of a blog site! So l, as I have been raving about in my last several blog post that I stumbled across another online sensation ilikejaoqin and to say the least he has some really valid points that I find to be quite intriguing. Purpose of today, I watched some videos that ended up paralleling an previous post I had written almost verbatim — I’m not sure the date of each occurrence but it’s amazing nonetheless that it exists!– so as my English teachers say use evidence!  So I’m going to reblog one post in particular so post with video will be my new spread!


Watch Video below!


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Posted by on November 22, 2011 in gay, love, philosophy, religion


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As deeply feared the commencing of school has led to a hiatus — a quite unwanted hiatus– in my blog-life BUT I am certainly going to try and get back to this asap So this is just going to be a few Updates that may or may not be at all relevant to your life, concerns or quite frankly your interest, but just to touch basis I certainly am to get on  with this.


First of all as quite a few people have read my last blogs (before my now terminating leave of absence) my poetry series Brevity and the Letters to Mankind, which I do to be a wonderful place to have left off, nevertheless…I’m glad to say that I have at least entered that collection in a contest and am currently awaiting results and in the meantime I have started a new collection entitled Time which is so far composed of five pieces and which are if I may say so myself AMA-zing and you can get a preview of that here. That one is my favorite …so far, and if you also watch that video you’ll also see that I have undertaken several art projects as well =].

Furthermore, JROTC has been coming along finely and expects to move forward **HOOAH**

hmm… what else?


So as I was trolling the confines and archives of YouTube (because my life has that little purpose I have nothing better to do at 3am , sleep non-inclusive, I discovered a 100% amazing and adept vlogger #ilikejoaquin, and I’ll add a link to the right there, but, now  another inspirational social commentator has entered my internet affairs other than of course Davey Wavey so this is great because now alongside my poetry work I am going to ATTEMPT to compile my own social commentary self-help type dissertation, or I may just make a blog series but it is definitely something that I endeavor to do!

Not withstanding all of those  doodads I am also contemplating registering for Twitter so i can start hash-tagging stuff, and!……

That is about all WELCOME BACK =]

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Posted by on November 20, 2011 in random


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