Tag Archives: Truth

The Chiasmus: Truth

They say honesty is the best policy, and that the truth will set you free and all of these other axioms and adages about truth, but what I’ve learned and realized is that these platitudes aren’t the core to live by. According to these items, truth wins over all, but is that really true now? Honest is one of the hardest things to be, and a difficult thing it is to tell the truth. Generally speaking, when one completes a task of such caliber the would usually feel accomplished and I would even go as far as to say relieved, but that is not the case with truth. It seems that the beforehand pressure of truth is equivalent to the afterwards affect in almost all situations.

Before the truth is told, the fear of what MIGHT happen and the unknown exist upon the person, but then, when the truth is told, that unknown no longer is a weighing idea, its a tangible force now in your life.  A real catch 22 it is. Therefore, it seems not that what you don’t know can’t hurt you, but rather the fact that what you DO know can and will hurt you. Naturally, a facade here and a lie there really doesn’t seem like such a bad idea seeing that it can land you in the same place that this noble-truth can. Thus is the chiasmus of truth. A few years ago I scripted an article on truth and at first it didn’t make sense and I planned to scrap it, but now it all makes perfect sense.

The Chiasmus: Truth

For what it’s worth to be myself, the pay is scarce and low. For what it’s worth to be me myself I live never more. For what it’s worth to speak aloud, no one shall ever know. These thoughts I keep deep inside hide what in to take pride. Loving is for the weak. And trust for the un-trustable. Salvation for the destitute and redemption for the lost. Grant true power unto me and sin I will no more. Find a place to rest my head and soon you’ll see what’s to befall. Host the glamour that can be brought. Through things not as idle as these. Take me to a place of uncertainty to which I will never fail. Value your own ignorance as you could hate the inevitable truth. Discover what is true but trust not in it. For trust lets down your guard and welcomes in the shroud. That covers your heart and fills it with lies. Pray that the truth is truth and nothing turns to blue.  If lies are what you wish trust in, then what is true. Lies are only the truth of another sort, just as real as what is real. Live a lie, become a lie. Live the truth, Become the truth. Nothing is different as you see only the same of another sort. Heed my warning, disobey, from either you decide you not be able to change what you chose. Only to the fact to end up wondering what could’ve happened if you had changed you mind. The equal results do you receive and that the facts aren’t really facts. Believing the facts is material sight which will eventually wear away, if the facts of today where to disappear then tomorrow where would you be? If not in the same place as the next, you would live your life in confusion. If in the same place would you not still be in your existing ignorance. Ignorance is the facts that have disappeared and of what is not promised. Faith is a one track mind of what you cannot change. If thereof you cannot change it, can it not change itself? Yes, with faith in something you believe blindly, only of what you hope instead of the possibilities. Nothing more, nothing less; the very thing you have this faith in could invert, but would you stop believing? No, your faith is just as an ignorant doubt that what you believe in is constant. Either with faith or the ignorance of to come, now, are you not both on equal terms?  Judgment is the conceited form of hate. Hate is that which is full of evil and is accepting only to itself. It flares the soul to disagree with its destiny. For with judgment it places burdens on others as seen fit by the judge. It accepts its own thoughts and repeals that of all else. The judge is the king and the contester his suspect, with the power to do as he pleases. Then, if not in the face of judgment are you then in the face of hate? Surely, the judgment of one is the hate of another. The hate of one is the judgment of another. For the two are partners in crime and are in total agreement, breaking the creed in which they keep. A creed with another is but a lie. A creed with another is but an act of faith. Either way it is looked upon doubt is the result. Faith cannot be proven and a lie broken.  There underneath a lie is another lie. Lies can never form the truth, but the truth can always form lies. Is so a person’s faith is their truth, can it not then be just another lie? If faith can be justified by ones belief, then so simply can a lie be justified as faith? If faith to you again is the truth, does that then make the lie true? If faith is true, the answer is yes, if faith is but a lie, then faith is impudent is useless.

What do you believe in and how do you know it’s true? You are blind in spirit and soul, nothing is true unless you believe it is, and nothing is false unless you believe it is. So then does that not make truth the same as a lie?

(ANSWER)Living life with belief of certainty is just as uncertain as accepting uncertainty.  Nothing can truly be proven or disproven. The judge is you.

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Posted by on September 9, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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Such a Lie

**if you have not read The Tears I’ll Never Cry, the allusion may not add up. Make sure to read that one before this.**

I took a chance

I took a stride;

I made a fall

It’s hell on earth

The truth is strong

Fierce in its depth;

Like a lion’s roar.

Cruel in its words,

That is the truth

Looking from here—

Is the myopic glance,

A future will fail

This song nevermore

Never say never,

Never always comes to pass

Forget the damned tears, that I shan’t e’er fall

They’ve fallen, and mean nothing.

Forsake those tears,

That will never fall

Resent them – though- as you cry

It is much more kind,

To let them be,

Not having fallen, encamp them more peace

Good-bye seems right,

Yet so do these tears—

The tears I’ll never cry.

From the truth doth appear

Such wretched tears?

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Posted by on September 2, 2011 in love, poetry


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