Tag Archives: Spanish language

No Quiero Ser Yo

The happy trend had to end somewhere, but it doesn’t come to a screeching halt. Inspired by “Born This Way” by the fabulous Lady Gaga,  No Quiero Ser Yo refers in an inverse manner that I am who I am, (and you are who you are,) and that sometimes challenges are had that make  you really not want to be who you are,so it is a message to say that don’t be afraid to be you. Lucky for you only-English-speakers that this one has my Original Spanish version and a modified English translation that I did.


Siento tonto que te he amado

Sabiendo que no podrías amarme lo mismo

Esta caída ay, ésta me dejó una obra

Y un corazón cansado y que es roto

Te aprecié por quien eras

Y me maldije por quien yo no era

Hay algo dentro de mí que me  jala a ti

Este es un corazón, y ahora es roto

Nada puede arreglarlo, nadie puede ponerlo de nuevo

Es por Dios que sea así

Y por ti que I don’t want to be me

Para este momento mis lágrimas lloro

Para ti, siempre lloraré

Aunque puede odiarme, o juzgarme; aunque no me miras lo mismo

Tienes mi corazón, y has besado mi alma

Eres mi vida y mejor que oro

Ay este problema que he encontrado en este tiempo

Ay mi amor que he quedado dentro de ti

Mi corazón roto aún es mi corazón

Mi alma aún tiene  tu beso

Es por Dios que sea así

Es por ti que I don’t want to be me

English Version

I feel a fool to have loved you
Knowing that you could never love me the same
This fall O this fall has left me a work
And tired heart that is now broken
I had cherished you for who you are
And hath banished myself for who I wasn’t
There is something within me that draws me to you
That thing is a heart, and it is broken
Nothing can mend it, no one can fix it.

It is by God that I am so
It is because of you that no quiero ser yo
For this moment my tears do fall
For you I will forever cry
Though you may hate me; though you may judge me; though you don’t look at me the same
You have my heart and have kissed my soul
You are my life and greater than gold
O this trouble I have found in this time
O my lover I have found in you
My broken heart is still but my heart
My soul still bears your kiss
It is by God that I am so
It is because of you that no quiero ser yo

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Posted by on September 2, 2011 in love, poetry


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