Tag Archives: Relationship

The Serenity Series, Letter 2: Love Is

Love, the question of all man’s existence: the indescribable thing that no one knows what it is. Why does one love? How does one love? If there is in this modern-day crisis such a thing, what the hell is it? Can it be found if sought out by the best of excursions? Can it be unearthed by a woman’s affection? Or is it a feeling of a moment that is result of a benevolent deed?

In all these things it is unknown to any man unknown to any woman; unfelt by any human and unfathomable by any mind. It cannot be labeled for it is not a thing [although every connotation of reference defines it as such] that is tangible or perceptible. Nothing upon this given  earth is accurately analyzed so therefore how is it even quite possible to apply ones inhibitions to something that cannot even be identified, classified, or neatly distributed? There are many philosophies and cynicisms to arrive in the ballpark of what this “existence” is. There are ideas that state that love is a feeling that comes by the affection of others. There are philosophies that relate love to the inhibitions of the God-given soul, and even spew that love doesn’t even exist –the thoughts that of a cynic­–however, nobody has yet to be able to answer the questions “Why” and “how” genuinely without referring to it as some sort of reaction to human libido. Those references demonstrate shallow thought and are more describing sexual attraction than that of a “pure love” that may or may not(yet according to them, does) exist.

Now as seen from all religious aspects and the zany idea of billion upon billions of people that populate the planet Earth, love, exist whether we as stubborn individuals like to accept it or not. It is something, rather tangible or not. It is something rather visible or not. It is something and what exactly is that something?

Love, is nothing that is tangible, it is none of these things yet it is all of these things. It is nothing. It is something. It exists to that exists it is unsearchable, unfathomable, indescribable. Love…love…love exist from no man. Love exists from no woman. God is Love, and love is given not taken, not abused. Love is not a kiss in the rain. Love is not a word to name ones feelings. Love is forgiving after he/she has hurt you over and over and you do not know why. Love is accepting the pain and torture you receive. Love is keeping that person in your thought ever hour upon minute upon second of each day. Love is not saying it, love is not doing, not feeling. Love is ‘loving’. It is nothing that can be described as “something”. It is something that is obtained by nothing. Love is no one but God, but love is given to us as a precious gift in which we as a whole afflict. So I tell you the truth, do not feel, do not lie. Do not search; do not abide by the creed which is mandated by your accustomed mind. Love as love is planted in your heart, do not force it; do not wonder. It will come to you if you take a gamble, and believe in love’s purity and wholesomeness.

Love is a binding death in the abyss of ever. Never to be lost, never to be scorned, never to be forgotten, but always…”is”.

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Posted by on September 17, 2011 in life, love, philosophy


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I’m sorry, excuse me, perdon, pardon me, disculpe, …please just forgive me. No matter how you say it, it all means the same thing. Often times we do things that we regret and more often times we know we are going to regret things and for some odd reason we still do them! And knowing this, we always at least hope that by saying “I’m sorry” things will automatically be A-okay again, because we expect to be forgiven for anything that we do but when it comes around to forgiving others, it becomes some sort of challenge and, or ultimatum.

Forgiveness is important in all aspects of life, but in relationships it is one of the top things that is needed for a healthy and long-lasting bliss. Quote, I once said “when you’re really in love, you’ll forgive that person you love no matter what they do to you” time and time again. You’ll try to be angry at them and not forgive them. For me, forgiveness is easier for me than for most people, but for the majority of people, forgiveness comes as a heavy task to deal with.

There are four types of forgiveness that rest among the population: 1) ‘Forgive’ but not forget 2) People who don’t Forgive 3) Those who truly forgive and try to look past prior faults and 4) those who WANT to forgive. Now, guess which one is the most rare? Yes, probably type 3.

I’m sure that you have heard someone say at one time or another that they forgive but not forget. But in reality isn’t that just as bad as just not forgiving in the first place? I think so. If you forgive and consciously are retaining the faults in which others have made you are naturally inclined to hold that against that person. So naturally no, 100% forgiveness is very, very uncommon, and at times naturally isn’t the best thing always either, but in general socializing and loving relationships, there is a different degree of sentiment and values and therefore the situation of trust and forgiveness should naturally differ.

This brings me to my next point, those who WANT to forgive. There are many people who justly want to forgive their debtors however, they find it socially taboo to do so. For example, if you’re boyfriend (or girlfriend) cheats on you, socially that’s something that is “unforgivable”. Regardless of how much you love them– remember, the assumption that love always forgives– it can be hard to forgive an action such as that (or at least to admit it) when as previously stated, it is socially taboo to do that.

Socially taboo or not, love, forgiveness, trust, and discerning all go hand in hand when it comes to relationships, and if you seek to embark on passionate scape. Forgiveness is hard in life, but not in love. If the feeling to forgive should ever arise, trust that feeling. Listen to it. It will be one of the most important things that you might ever do.

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Posted by on September 4, 2011 in life, philosophy


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To Love or not to Love. That is the Question


It is the first day of August, and slowly as I am both excited and dreading the return to school in a couple of weeks, It has crossed my mind a specific topic we talked about last school year, and it really applies to the whole conjecture I’ve been putting together. In English class we read an essay Tolerance by E.M. Forster and pretty much it was speaking of how the world’s only hope to move forward is to tolerate and not try to do the impossible and  love. I agree on the foundation of the statements but it didn’t ever move past that point and consider how tolerance would really helped the situation as opposed to dwelling on how love could never work.

So, when you think about it the word “tolerance” you pretty much know it means to put up with or the endure. But look at the word “love” think about what love really is as in a definition. We all know what acts of love are and what love feels like but definition wise what is real love. I think it’s safe to put it in these terms–my 1302 History Professor made the analogy, except with the word “charisma”– love is like porn. You can’t define all it constitutes, but you know it when you see it. Now that’s just a tiny little stretch and this is probably why. For many years I believe people have been throwing that word “Love” around carelessly and idly. And in 2011 you hear it everywhere. ‘I love you’ and then someone goes and cheats on the other and all of a sudden that’s an unforgivable act! What happened to that “love”! Nowadays it’s like promises too… ‘I promise! I promise’ and then you end up being disappointed. So before I argue Tolerance vs. Love  I feel it necessary to make my best bet in compiling what Love is. (Now I was going to use excerpts but I felt it’d be better to let it all sink in.) Before you start the following is set up differently. It contradicts itself by describing something that it says is “indescribable” so it’s like one of those “Never say never” scenarios. The essay i wrote about a year or so ago and is called Love Is.


Love, the question of all man’s existence: the indescribable thing that no one knows what it is. Why does one love? How does one love? If there is in this modern-day crisis such a thing, what the hell is it? Can it be found if sought out by the best of excursions? Can it be unearthed by a woman’s affection? Or is it a feeling of a moment that is result of a benevolent deed?

 In all these things it is unknown to any man unknown to any woman; unfelt by any human and unfathomable by any mind. It cannot be labeled for it is not a thing [although every connotation of reference defines it as such] that is tangible or perceptible. Nothing upon this given  earth is accurately analyzed so therefore how is it even quite possible to apply ones inhibitions to something that cannot even be identified, classified, or neatly distributed? There are many philosophies and cynicism to arrive in the ballpark of what this “existence” is. There are ideas that state that love is a feeling that comes by the affection of others. There are philosophies that relate love to the inhibitions of the God-given soul, and even spew that love doesn’t even exist –the thoughts that of a cynic­–however, nobody has yet to be able to answer the questions “Why” and “how” genuinely without referring to it as some sort of reaction to human libido. Those references demonstrate shallow thought and are more describing sexual attraction than that of a “pure love” that may or may not(yet according to them, does) exist.

Now as seen from all religious aspects and the zany idea of billion upon billions of people that populate the planet Earth, love, exist whether we as stubborn individuals like to accept it or not. It is something, rather tangible or not. It is something rather visible or not. It is something and what exactly is that something?

Love, is nothing that is tangible, it is none of these things yet it is all of these things. It is nothing. It is something. It exists to that exists it is unsearchable, unfathomable, indescribable. Love…love…love exist from no man. Love exists from no woman. God is Love, and love is given not taken, not abused. Love is not a kiss in the rain. Love is not a word to name ones feelings. Love is forgiving after he/she has hurt you over and over and you do not know why. Love is accepting the pain and torture you receive. Love is keeping that person in your thought ever hour upon minute upon second of each day. Love is not saying it, love is not doing, not feeling. Love is ‘loving’. It is nothing that can be described as “something”. It is something that is obtained by nothing. Love is no one but God, but love is given to us as a precious gift in which we as a whole afflict. So I tell you the truth, do not feel, do not lie. Do not search; do not abide by the creed which is mandated by your accustomed mind. Love as love is planted in your heart, do not force it; do not wonder. It will come to you if you take a gamble, and believe in love’s purity and wholesomeness.

Love is a binding death in the abyss of ever. Never to be lost, never to be scorned, never to be forgotten, but always…”is”.

After that I genuinely hope that it makes sense somewhat on the operation of love so lets go from there.

Love vs. Tolerance:

In reference to the One Million in One goal, tolerance certainly seems like it is plenty. All we have to do is tolerate people to work with them for a little while to get what we want, right? Right and Wrong, tolerating people would mean that you are doing it because you feel you’re obliged to rather than having the goodwill to do it. Tolerating means you’re resentful still to the person however are using a cheery façade. And tolerance has the next flaw. If  I tolerate you but you don’t tolerate me where are we going to get? For if I am solely tolerating what do I have to lose if I completely say “Screw you”and move on? Tolerance is of human selfishness and human accord for the most part and you can see the anomalies with it.

Love on the other hand you don’t help–per se a person– because you feel you HAVE to rather do so out of the sincerity and compassion that rests in our hearts. With love, if the other doesn’t love you back, you won’t fail them because acts of love are forgiveness, patience, and even tolerance to some extent.

I know I know there are billions and billions of people in the world and you’re not going to like everyone and that’s natural, it’s human. (that’s why it’s a million in one  not a billion in one (JUST KIDDING =] ) But hate and detest won’t do anything but make things worse and cause problems because everyone is not on the same page in the world. At least not yet. But I strongly believe it can happen though. So before you click the little red X in the right hand corner, think about which you are. Do you tolerate people or do you love them. If you know what both things are work to teach yourself what you have just read. It’s just a philosophy but try it out! Lastly, to achieve the One million in 1 goal we need both love and tolerance. Tolerate the person’s actions towards you, but love the person, ’cause we’re all the same on the inside right! Race, sex, orientation, religion… we are all human beings and in this together. So let’s act like it! T for Teamwork L for Life!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

-MLK Jr.



Posted by on August 1, 2011 in life, love, philosophy, religion


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