Tag Archives: Pitbull

21 Random Facts About Me =]

I honestly can  attest  to being a ”not-so-interesting-person” so to speak but eh, what the hey, why not do a little get to know me it sounds like an alright idea so here are a few things right off the top of my head.

1. When I get a house, I want it to be like’60s style like off of  Call of Duty Nuketown!

2. I procrastinate like there is no tomorrow –get the pun in that.

3. I hate the color yellow, I don’t know why though.

4. I’m only 5’4″

5. I haven’t studied for a test since 6th grade.

6. I’ve never failed a class.

7. I refuse to write in blue ink o read anything written in blue ink. I hate BLUE INK!

8. My lucky number is 8!

9. If I’m talking to someone who speaks Spanish, I will randomly switch languages while speaking.

10. I think Pitbull has the sexiest voice ever!

11. I use brackets and the equals sign to make smileys because I’m too lazy to press shift =].

12. If you haven’t picked up on it yes Iview sexuality in an interesting way (but click on the link or else you’ll get the wrong idea)

13. I love to write poetry.[which I might post later I don’t know yet]

14. I absolutely abhor reading.

15. Since 9th grade I’ve had this really fun yet seemingly awkward crush –haha oh lord XP

16. JROTC is practically my day job and  I love it!

17.It’s safe to say I talk to  Danielle Ybarra EVERY day.

18. I don’t have dreams, I have nightmares.

19. Any time I do alphabetical order I have to say the whole alphabet song.

20. Penguins, ducks, and turtles amuse me =]

21. My favorite movie in the whole-wide-world is 27 Dresses!!!!!

Um….that about sums it up I know I’m boring right? oh well that’s me!

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Posted by on August 9, 2011 in random, Uncategorized


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