Tag Archives: New Age

The Serenity Series, Letter 4: Serenity

This is the last letter of the Serenity Series and the final letter of the “Letters to Mankind”.

The satisfaction of life may come from the obtaining of riches and unsearchable wealth; however the material and worldly treasures sought by man himself do little to nothing to exhume the everlasting state of serene consciousness. These transient entities exist solely to manifest stratification between nations and citizen. These “riches” do nothing more than evoke jealously, envy and a covetous soul from the innards of one’s neighbor. These factions cite worry and from statistical downfall to heavenly matrimony.

It may be safely stated that a sound state of mind amongst all of the hustle and bustle of today’s social infrastructure, is definitely an obstacle in which presents itself as a more the formidable foe. It presents itself as the oppressor of our sanity and the master of our will. Not so, these material dowries are the perishable brevities in which are nothing but empty vassals lurking to be filled superfluous with the contents of one’s mind, heart and soul. As inviting as they may be, fill them not and maintain equilibrium in your endeavors.

In such, divert your passion to the nature of Love, embrace its gift. Avert your desire to the ignorance bestowed upon us as humans. Recognize that we are not in control of this fleeting habitation. Denounce any notion of your own omniscience. As you do these things you capitulate all self-accordance to the ultimate and only constant among us. Seek the passion of Love who’s alias is Christ. Believe not in your own nature and rely on the fact the God is working. Accept lastly that the changes we make in this world are no more than accommodations subject to change in a day, hour, or decade, and accept the One who word is final. Embrace the Word that is unwavering and sure.

Acknowledge, seek, trust the One in control of the scheme of every day, and question it without doubt. Serenity from there is derived. Peace from there is granted. Meaning from there is received. Suffering from there, released.


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Posted by on September 18, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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The Serenity Series, Letter 3: We Are Not


Life as we know it has and is furthermore becoming a defined process of awakening and falling dormant again in the right hours. By what means has such a gift become a treacherous cycle of day-aft-day? Who among us has given so nonchalant meaning to a wonder bestowed upon us?

Quite simple may it all be. Quite easy to take a gander as to whom has subject life to such a diminution, to where an opinion vacillates so expediently whether to keep it or throw it all away! Life has been ruined by our own selfish wills. Life has been afflicted by the hatred that we saw as love.

For man on his own is blind in the ways of all things concrete yet primal of all things that don’t have form. Yea not always recognizable, as to what it may be, it is adept to the human soul. Therefore the lust of the eyes has ruined one’s discretion of the extraordinary. We see lust as love, love as hate, fear as omnipotent and life as death. With all of these convoluted discretions, how then shall the species of a once-great-now-ensnared return to their former glory?

Shall we forever be bound in the material or shall we be liberated from a self-induced hell?

Never shall we be set free if not all are set upon the same accord, and from there forsake the material and flee to the godly. Find yourself near the grace of God and from there pray and hence soon receive serenity and you will be at peace.

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Posted by on September 17, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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