Tag Archives: life


Está correcto. ¡Recházame!


Today, or rather simply moments ago I wrote a poem and added it to my Time collection poem “VI”. And it was inspired by la canción “Recházame”por Prince Royce, but other than an amazing song and poem, it has led me to realize something about those that we have at one point in our lives been enamored with and that realization is what I now forsee the theme of Time to be. My previous collection Brevity was all about the ills of a forbidden love but I now understand something that will alter the perspective of my poetry, life, and hopefully yours to some extent as well.Perhaps to the extreme it is seeing as nobody really and truly wishes to be rechazado, pero it can be relieving to know how much freedom can come with the feeling.


Everyone at some point along this topsy turvey roller coaster we call life has cried, and most of us never like crying, because the majority of the time it’s for bad reasons, but I may be weird for saying this but I feel that crying is the only way to truly cleanse your soul. Now, as you are sitting as you currently are, stop, and think about all of the reasons you have cried. Good, bad or in between. And then think about all the times you smiled. Isn’t it so much easier to remeber the times you cried than smiled? That’s conjectured to be becuase wa as humans are triggered to remeber pain easier and to be doubtful than to remember joy and be hopeful. It’s quite paradoxical, but I believe it to be true. So perhaps if the world view of crying becomes less negative perhaps it really will evolve into that true and thorough cleansing that every individual needs.

Yet, the aforementioned was simply a brief dissertation of my recent self-discovery. Love. Everyone wants love, to love, to be loved, but do we really need love? Some suppose that it IS a necessity, and others don’t, but love I now am starting to believe is more of a convience and encourager than an absolute bonafide necesity. Don’t confuse that love is now on the bottom of the totem pole of ones life journey, but perhaps it shouldn’t dictate your life. So in that sense in the bubble of being completely infatuated with some guy or girl, and letting that keep you up at night, then maybe you need to be rechazado in order to save yourself from your own love.

It’s hard to understand love and it’s hard to give it, but so easy to receive it. Love my fellow lovers is of dual nature. Perhaps a hellish fiend and a holy angel. Perhaps a tainted vile, or a glistening antidote. So, I encourage you to make you a cup of cofee or scotch or whatever the heck you like and sit down with a legal pad a pen, and recházate. Start writing all those things and deamons you want to release, and cry to wash them away. But as you do so, feel not powerless, but empowered! This is something most are afraid to do which is face their enenmies and fear, but the biggest enemy and fear that I have noted that we all have is ourselves. You perhaps are your own worst nemesis.

So what really resides with the message of this in some close relation to the above, are the three things below=]

And one more thing, ¡Recházate !


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Posted by on November 20, 2011 in life, philosophy


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The Serenity Series, Letter 4: Serenity

This is the last letter of the Serenity Series and the final letter of the “Letters to Mankind”.

The satisfaction of life may come from the obtaining of riches and unsearchable wealth; however the material and worldly treasures sought by man himself do little to nothing to exhume the everlasting state of serene consciousness. These transient entities exist solely to manifest stratification between nations and citizen. These “riches” do nothing more than evoke jealously, envy and a covetous soul from the innards of one’s neighbor. These factions cite worry and from statistical downfall to heavenly matrimony.

It may be safely stated that a sound state of mind amongst all of the hustle and bustle of today’s social infrastructure, is definitely an obstacle in which presents itself as a more the formidable foe. It presents itself as the oppressor of our sanity and the master of our will. Not so, these material dowries are the perishable brevities in which are nothing but empty vassals lurking to be filled superfluous with the contents of one’s mind, heart and soul. As inviting as they may be, fill them not and maintain equilibrium in your endeavors.

In such, divert your passion to the nature of Love, embrace its gift. Avert your desire to the ignorance bestowed upon us as humans. Recognize that we are not in control of this fleeting habitation. Denounce any notion of your own omniscience. As you do these things you capitulate all self-accordance to the ultimate and only constant among us. Seek the passion of Love who’s alias is Christ. Believe not in your own nature and rely on the fact the God is working. Accept lastly that the changes we make in this world are no more than accommodations subject to change in a day, hour, or decade, and accept the One who word is final. Embrace the Word that is unwavering and sure.

Acknowledge, seek, trust the One in control of the scheme of every day, and question it without doubt. Serenity from there is derived. Peace from there is granted. Meaning from there is received. Suffering from there, released.


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Posted by on September 18, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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The Serenity Series, Letter 3: We Are Not


Life as we know it has and is furthermore becoming a defined process of awakening and falling dormant again in the right hours. By what means has such a gift become a treacherous cycle of day-aft-day? Who among us has given so nonchalant meaning to a wonder bestowed upon us?

Quite simple may it all be. Quite easy to take a gander as to whom has subject life to such a diminution, to where an opinion vacillates so expediently whether to keep it or throw it all away! Life has been ruined by our own selfish wills. Life has been afflicted by the hatred that we saw as love.

For man on his own is blind in the ways of all things concrete yet primal of all things that don’t have form. Yea not always recognizable, as to what it may be, it is adept to the human soul. Therefore the lust of the eyes has ruined one’s discretion of the extraordinary. We see lust as love, love as hate, fear as omnipotent and life as death. With all of these convoluted discretions, how then shall the species of a once-great-now-ensnared return to their former glory?

Shall we forever be bound in the material or shall we be liberated from a self-induced hell?

Never shall we be set free if not all are set upon the same accord, and from there forsake the material and flee to the godly. Find yourself near the grace of God and from there pray and hence soon receive serenity and you will be at peace.

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Posted by on September 17, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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The Serenity Series, Letter 2: Love Is

Love, the question of all man’s existence: the indescribable thing that no one knows what it is. Why does one love? How does one love? If there is in this modern-day crisis such a thing, what the hell is it? Can it be found if sought out by the best of excursions? Can it be unearthed by a woman’s affection? Or is it a feeling of a moment that is result of a benevolent deed?

In all these things it is unknown to any man unknown to any woman; unfelt by any human and unfathomable by any mind. It cannot be labeled for it is not a thing [although every connotation of reference defines it as such] that is tangible or perceptible. Nothing upon this given  earth is accurately analyzed so therefore how is it even quite possible to apply ones inhibitions to something that cannot even be identified, classified, or neatly distributed? There are many philosophies and cynicisms to arrive in the ballpark of what this “existence” is. There are ideas that state that love is a feeling that comes by the affection of others. There are philosophies that relate love to the inhibitions of the God-given soul, and even spew that love doesn’t even exist –the thoughts that of a cynic­–however, nobody has yet to be able to answer the questions “Why” and “how” genuinely without referring to it as some sort of reaction to human libido. Those references demonstrate shallow thought and are more describing sexual attraction than that of a “pure love” that may or may not(yet according to them, does) exist.

Now as seen from all religious aspects and the zany idea of billion upon billions of people that populate the planet Earth, love, exist whether we as stubborn individuals like to accept it or not. It is something, rather tangible or not. It is something rather visible or not. It is something and what exactly is that something?

Love, is nothing that is tangible, it is none of these things yet it is all of these things. It is nothing. It is something. It exists to that exists it is unsearchable, unfathomable, indescribable. Love…love…love exist from no man. Love exists from no woman. God is Love, and love is given not taken, not abused. Love is not a kiss in the rain. Love is not a word to name ones feelings. Love is forgiving after he/she has hurt you over and over and you do not know why. Love is accepting the pain and torture you receive. Love is keeping that person in your thought ever hour upon minute upon second of each day. Love is not saying it, love is not doing, not feeling. Love is ‘loving’. It is nothing that can be described as “something”. It is something that is obtained by nothing. Love is no one but God, but love is given to us as a precious gift in which we as a whole afflict. So I tell you the truth, do not feel, do not lie. Do not search; do not abide by the creed which is mandated by your accustomed mind. Love as love is planted in your heart, do not force it; do not wonder. It will come to you if you take a gamble, and believe in love’s purity and wholesomeness.

Love is a binding death in the abyss of ever. Never to be lost, never to be scorned, never to be forgotten, but always…”is”.

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Posted by on September 17, 2011 in life, love, philosophy


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The Serenity Series, Letter1: All Understanding

This is the beginning of Part 2 of the Letters to Mankind, and the start of the Serenity Series Letter 1 of 3.

Is there a Devil that rests in all of us? Is there something within our worldly nature in which we have adopted to make us all strangers to a perfect order? Many of us neglect the common fact that we are creatures whom are bent and henceforth driven by knowledge. Not a precedent for what shall and shall not be given leave, however we contain precedent only of what might and might not be given leave.

This is a delicate fashion in which we have treaded for so many years now. What holds us to this tyranny of blindness may only be described as irony. How may we have for years, come thus far on “maybe”? We knew not and yet we trusted. We saw not and yet we read clear into the future. We felt-not but yet we perceived.

How can we jump centuries to and through centuries in the darkness of our imperfection, but we refuse to traverse in the darkness of Light? How may we revoke our contradictions and not only persevere in what we are “able to guide”, but also persevere in what we cannot imagine or perceive? How shall we be when we are recognized astray in a realm we cannot alter?

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Posted by on September 17, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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