Tag Archives: Label

And on the Eighth Day the Lord Said “Let there be Judgement?”

I know that I have probably done a similar  blog actually, I know that I have posted a blog about this topic before but honestly I think that I probably wasn’t too clear on the topic, so this here is going to be kind of like an addendum to every other thing that goes up on here and every past post concerning a real life issue.

The topic is on labels and the reasons I myself don’t like to use them. Labels–most specifically pertaining to sexuality– are complicated. Personally, I believed that labels shouldn’t be necessary to define a  person, because only the person himself or herself can define themselves. However, the fact of the matter is, labels have to be used in order to have an audience identify with what you’re talking about until everyone proves to have understood the detriment that labels can cause. So generally, whenever I am forced to use one of these descriptive labels, I generally will put it in quotation marks.

Now, here’s the thing about labels, they seem all right at first due to the fact they allow an individual to identify with a certain ”tag” or ”community”, bar, the truth always amount to prove to be nothing but a precursor to judgement. Check the real life scenario. When somebody chooses — even don’t choose– to take on a label, judgement naturally is thrust upon that person. The creation of labels by a public ignorant of what they are really doing to each other makes life harder for each and every person to express their individual unique inner beauty with the world and ultimately results in conflict and burdensome lives to lead.

Case and point, everybody is different and unique. People don’t need labels. People ARE labels and define themselves, their light, and innermost beauty and importance to the world that is scarce to recognize such.

The title at first may seem a tad bit irrelevant, however, it applies. Individualism is not unnatural, and is a divine implication on each and every person.  So challenge for today, tomorrow and the day after that–REFRAIN FROM LABELING PEOPLE!


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Posted by on August 19, 2011 in life, philosophy


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