Tag Archives: Heterosexuality

Fear, Judgement, Acceptance. Be Beautiful.

So it’s kinda late but all day I had no topic that I really felt a big enough conviction to talk about so nothing got scrawled down because I honestly think–despite how well I can BS almost anything– I have a condition that prevents me from spewing random stuff and that I honestly hold to less than zero esteem. BUT I digress, something came to me and inspiration obeys no time frame so here we go.

At first I really didn’t want to get into the whole “stuff” of the Simply an Intro series but honestly I got a little impatient so I had to start! Unfortunately, this is going to touch on a couple of things from personal experience which at first I was intending to avoid, but since this is blog so what the hell eh?

Ok my thoughts exactly were this –try not to get lost– “Have you ever had that feeling where you knew in your heart that you needed to do something but fore whatever reason you were either afraid  or just couldn’t do something about it?” well right about now that’s been an interesting and touchy feeling that I figure a lot of people have. Fear. Fear of society…Fear of themselves… Fear of being accepted. Honestly it’s probably more than safe to say that everyone has felt like that at one point in time or another but it is also is more than safe to say that that is in higher volume for those people who aren’t ‘normal’, for those who are a little bit different.

Concerning this, in which most of us have seen the issues and the controversy surrounding the topic and what the sentence before was referencing directly was the niche of homosexuality. As you know and if you don’t I seriously question what world you live in, but for those of you that do know, it is a very controversial issue– rather topic, because people make it an issue when it really shouldn’t be– that is growing and reaching radical heights and honestly needs to be recognized.

There are always points that I like to make within each post and here they are. Number 1: if you read A Step Further, you are a little familiar with the triad logical conclusion of right and wrong. But as a recap (and if you don’t understand still, go check it out and THEN come back to this) it states in short that there are 3 main factors to developing an accurate philosophy and those are religion, society, and science. And each one is reliant  upon the fact/statement of the other two in order to make something right or wrong however most end up being what is called the “grey area”. So moving on, the subject of ‘is “gay” okay?’

So as you know that this has been

in hot debate in this 21st century era. You have so many people who hate the thought or even the concept and do radical hate actions, which really lead to the question if the USA really past discrimination, which is obviously ‘no’, but more on that a little later. To answer the question whether it is right or wrong I feel it would be only sensible to angle it and use the Triangle Theory.

Let’s take on religion first. From religious perspective, (from hardcore religious perspective not reformed thinkers or realists) from that religious perspective it is so common for them to say that it is sinful, wrong and condemned. Actually I was watching an episode of Tyra and she had a guest who had had an exorcism because he was “gay”. So obviously religious authorities have a problem with it. I’ll argue their standpoint after getting the framework laid here. Therefore on the matter, they view that it is ‘black’.

Next we’ll touch on liberally based society. There are tons of homosexuals and supporters in the general society so it’s no doubt that the solitary society sector has no real problem with it. So that way they view that it is ‘white’.

However, lastly science. Now science usually will qualify those two points but in this case doesn’t really. I’m sure you’ve heard that homosexuality is a choice, and you’ve probably also heard that it isn’t a choice (which I personally believe). There has been study after study and most research has been to say the least inconclusive on the matter. So instead of qualifying the two science thus far is almost completely ruled out leaving you with two polar opposites. Society which says “Hell Yeah” and religion which says “Repent!”

Sure that’s great…so lets look at the facts. In respects to religion, there are a lot of things in religion mainly Christianity that are so misinterpreted and under-observed that it’s not even funny, and the matter of homosexuality is one of them. For one, as I stated earlier that this is 2011, times have changed and perhaps even the particulars of certain topics. Things that were applied back then may not necessarily fully apply now. The example I gave was divorce, but here I’ll give adultery. Back then, they stoned the adulteress (yes the woman, not the man) now how many people do you see being stoned? And yes that is in some of the pretext of the Bible if I’m not mistaken that that is the punishment for actions. So are we breaking scripture because we’re not stoning the chick off of Cheaters? I would like to say not. Just with homosexuality I feel is in the same boat.

Another major counter to religious appeal is the matter of suicide. Religion is the main reason for the social non-acceptance which leads so many to suicide. (Of course suicide is by personal accord and therefore cannot be blamed on a second party) but If there had to be a reason you asked a person who was so called gay the reason for which they might’ve thought of suicide that I’m sure would be the number 1 thing.

Moving on, to science. (no i didn’t forget society, it’s just kind of so jacked up so it’ll be more than a mess trying to understand every little opinion.) On the topic of science I’m going to raise my Number 2 point, which is why i always put the word “gay” in quotes. Let’s get that out of the way first. Personally labels aren’t my thing so “gay”, “bi” “straight” whatever, it’s just another way for  people to judge others and therefore are stems of more problems but must be used in order to make clear a topic because that’s what people understand.

More  importantly on science is if homosexuality is  a  choice. My first reaction to that is honestly…I  have no reaction to that because in all means it’s a valid question but as Davey Wavey said, (and I paraphrase) that’s like asking if heterosexuality is a choice. Thus in those respects no, it’s not. And I personally, figure that you love who you love regardless of it they are male or female, and one shouldn’t be persecuted for that. And when I say that people always then ask me if I’m gay, and then I tell them the same thing I just said. In all honesty, in the general worlds perception of “gay” as an attraction wise thing then yes I am, but philosophically no.

Another thing that takes me aback is the fact that so many people would rather have an abusive heterosexual couple in society than a homosexual pair that actually care and love each other and quite frankly that’s really appalling to think about.

My whole point is this. Everyone at sometime will figure out who they really are and face society/religious persecution–like me but that’s another story– and what the point is that fear has too strong of a hold. I know it isn’t easy to let go of it, but in order to be true to oneself you have to let that fear go and be beautiful as you are. I think Mother Monster put it best. “No matter gay, straight or bi lesbian, transgender life I’m on the right track…I was born to survive…I was born to be brave!” Remember for all the religious radicals out there who try to discourage you. “[you] are beautiful in [your] way ‘cuz God makes no mistakes” (p.s that doesn’t mean you can do whatever the hell you want to). Just remember don’t be afraid. You ARE beautiful little you!



Posted by on August 3, 2011 in gay, life, philosophy


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