Tag Archives: Heart

The Tears I’ll Never Cry

I’m going to open and say this one is not about him. This is actually one of my all time favorites( but not my absolute favorite) and I wrote this for my friend Danielle and it’s just to explain that love does exist, that love is possible, that love is wonderful, but more importantly, love isn’t always easy and isn’t a game or toy to play around with.

You say that you love me

You say that you care

And don’t want me to cry

Or is it another lie

I don’t know of the truth

I haven’t the slightest clue

And would I then know,

If I said “I love you”

I used to make you smile

With joy and harmony

And now how it’s in your eye

Deep fear, and lonely

But in my eyes I hold

The tears I hope to cry

Which are the ones that’ll never fall

And in time they will stay

Never dwind’ling away

Many words that have come

From your lips and of his

Reminds me just of why;

I have these tears I’ll never cry

If I do then let them fall

Will you hold me in your arms?

Like you have won a prize?

Or steal my heart away

And tear it in a rage?

For you push me away

For the tears I’ll never cry

And then will I let down

A silent no-end song

And from my eyes will sing—

The Tears I’ll Never Cry

Broken I shall not stand

And diminished I refuse to fall

Lies i know I’ll face

So flee do I with haste

I watch you from afar

With envy in your eye

While you watch me in his arms

With his heart around mine

From a distance I see your tears

The tears that are not real

And for them I withhold

The tears I’ll never cry

He tells me to move on

He tugs gent’ly at my heart

But some way I can’t accept

The doubt that’s of “Could’ve Been”

And so from there I flee

An angel in form, and kind

And to your heart I stop;

To knock at its open door

In the mid’le I stand

Looking at the both;

And I don’t know where to turn

Just maybe there is hope—

And maybe a response

And one day I will cry—

The Tears I Shall Never Cry


Posted by on September 2, 2011 in love, poetry


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