Tag Archives: girls

What A Girl Wants


At first I had this idea for this post redefined but a little video-gift wish on Facebook made me laugh my voice out so I couldn’t wait.

Initially, my idea was supposed to be “why every girl needs a gay best friend” but the little video made me flipflop it to a little romance 101 and why most straight guys need a hand.

It’s not so much that they can’t be romantic, the fact is they just don’t. And then there are the guys that TRY and just crash and burn. So this is where you fellas out there could learn a thing or two and maybe get a 1Up. Now I’ve never ever been in a relationship so ladies correct me if I’m off but all of my best friends that I’ve ever had are girls so I would like to think I have a clue.

So the question is What do girls really want?

#1: Girls love to be treated like little princesses from somebody other than their dad.

#2: However pampered and prim they like to be, they appreciate it more when you respect their independence.

#3: Confidence is attractive. Arrogance is not.

#4: A protective guy makes a happy father, but happy girl is made by standing on the sidelines until needed or asked.

#5: Jealousy doesn’t look cute on guys unless it’s a test.

#6: Fight for a girl not over her, she’s not property.

#7: Spontaneous acts of love are more appreciated. Random poems or flowers go more longer than dinner and chocolate on her birthday.

#8: It’s not always the right thing to do everything for her. She doesn’t mind doing things for you too.

#9: Don’t predict what she’ll do next. Predict what she thinks YOU’LL do next. Then don’t do it. Do something better.

#10: A little mystery fuels a girls imagination. Being shady make you seem creepy.

#11: Honesty is the best policy. Always tell them the truth, but don’t be a jerk about it.

#12: Never forget to tell her that she’s beautiful.

#13: If you take her to a restaurant, ordering for her is only cute the first time.

#14: Whenever you by something like jewelry, never just give her a bracelet. Add something special like a meaningful engraving or a poem. She doesn’t want expensive, she wants sentiment.

#15: Being at a loss for words isn’t always a bad thing.

#16: PDA is perfectly fine, don’t overdo it.

#17: Being original and yourself is best, they prefer not to have someone else’s work or idea.

#18: Special events are made not planned.

#19: Traditional romantic things like candle light dinner or rose petals is acceptable sometimes. Every date doesn’t HAVE to be a Paris escape.

#20: Girls prefer when you call them gorgeous or beautiful. Not “hot”.

#21: You disposition sets the mood for any romance.

Okay so those are my dating rules for the road, if try em out and type in the comment how it works out. If not, you can nail me to a tree–no not really– I’m just very sorry. Females let me know if I missed anything:).

1 Comment

Posted by on August 19, 2011 in life, love, philosophy, poetry, random


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