Tag Archives: Facebook

Anonymity Fails

Image representing Formspring as depicted in C...

Image via CrunchBase

This post I was supposed to do yesterday but it got to late, and do another today but seeing as I am currently locked out of my house I suppose I might as well do it now.

The topic for today is the fun of anonymity. If you are a long term Facebook user or really up to date with new networking sites, you have probably heard of something called Formspring. If you haven’t, you can click on the link or just read this minute description.

Formspring is a website in which you are able to ask users questions anonymously if you so chose. Now that sounds fun. Nobody ever has to know that it’s you! Well that seems fair the guy/girl you have a crush on, you can comfortably tell them or that kid that just pisses you off, you can stick it to ’em.

Hey and doesn’t that seem just dandy? In all honesty, as I am able to admit I have done some things like the first deal I mention and now I have come to realize this. Anonymity fails! Telling somebody something anonymously gets you nowhere. That person will never know it was you who likes then unless you tell them face to face –or non-anonymously– and people who want to size someone up anonymously fail even more. Doing so just proves the cowardice in that person as they obviously are afraid of repercussions. So that is why anonymity sucks from that end of the stick. But it also stinks from the end of the person being asked the questions.

For quick and best example, my buddy Sampson got one of those Formspring things and my god some of the stuff that people asked. Like previously mentioned there was a lot of attempted sizing up and heartfelt confession but interesting of all, lots of sexual advances and personal questions. I’m sure you can see the dangers and annoying nature in this. If still not, with anonymity one can not gauge intent. So unknowingly, he gave the answers to the security questions for his email. So that is that.

Anonymity is definitely fun to screw around with people but know the limits. And know what is right. And know that the best kind of conversation is in person.

(Sadly I’m still locked out but y’all have a good Thursday!)

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Posted by on August 11, 2011 in life, random, Uncategorized


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