Tag Archives: Evil

The Revelation Series, Letter 3: The Retribution

This is the third and final letter of the Revelation Series.

Now, I tell you the truth there is hope. Hope to overcome such evils that haunts in the host of man, and such impositions that oppress the kingdoms of heaven, for they have no thought but their purpose and they have no mind but their order. It is very simple that they then take you captive and are relentless upon your soul. They, my friends, are not the enemy to you, but the enemy to Him. Therefore as followers of Christ we must stand fast in the Armor and sleep prepared to guard righteousness. For they will attack at the time we are awake, so then will they not lay siege in the hour of rest? There is no rest for such troubled souls and there shall be no mercy. Mercy has been given to them to make them virgin again, and they set out and defiled themselves with such atrocities of sin. There is no forgiveness for them, for they are un-wanting of it, and there is no hope. That is what they are in essence, body, and purpose. Knowing that is that the order in which you wish to arrive upon? Surely not, but you inadvertently walk towards them in conscience, and on earth you sit in their wicked courts. The lust of the eyes is a diamond treasure sought out by evil, and holders of the key are target. Do not fret that you are wanted, for in that diamond can be embossed the name Christ, and to that lead He will seek you. Stand strong to the Love of Christ and ward evil. For the day is near… and to whom shall your soul be signed?


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Posted by on September 16, 2011 in life, religion


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The Revelation Series, Letter 2: The Eye of the Storm

This is letter 2 of the Revelation Series.

In all they do to bring you down, you look in their eyes with hope. No matter how much it breaks you, you continue to remain near it. For what reason, do they attempt to slander He from whom they came? And for what reason does He allow them leave? Questioning the Almighty is a dead-end road to which will never be paved. Therefore we must remain in such ignorance. You are very much so ignorant of the evil they bring, but are conscious of it However your being tells you, you rebuke it, refusing the only extra perceptional sense we have, and in full knowledge of it, it’s reprimanded. As one moves from a child into adulthood so does a confidence, for Zen and pestilence, in reverse. You doubt every sense that you trusted before. So, we now are permanently in pestilence, in ignorance and a trouble. We in fact are fully conscious of it but the notion is suppressed by the innocent grin on the evil-doers‘ face. Now, in brief retrospect, if we live in a pestilence-coming-a-horror, and if we reside yet ignorant and if we doubt the only thing that we can trust are we not more susceptible to the will of evil? Surely we are and surely it will be the heel of Achilles. In our present state we are helpless. We can easily bend to a will, we can easily ‘fall in love’, we will easily take blame, and surely we will go to hell.

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Posted by on September 15, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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