Tag Archives: Black-and-white

The Revelation Series, Letter 2: The Eye of the Storm

This is letter 2 of the Revelation Series.

In all they do to bring you down, you look in their eyes with hope. No matter how much it breaks you, you continue to remain near it. For what reason, do they attempt to slander He from whom they came? And for what reason does He allow them leave? Questioning the Almighty is a dead-end road to which will never be paved. Therefore we must remain in such ignorance. You are very much so ignorant of the evil they bring, but are conscious of it However your being tells you, you rebuke it, refusing the only extra perceptional sense we have, and in full knowledge of it, it’s reprimanded. As one moves from a child into adulthood so does a confidence, for Zen and pestilence, in reverse. You doubt every sense that you trusted before. So, we now are permanently in pestilence, in ignorance and a trouble. We in fact are fully conscious of it but the notion is suppressed by the innocent grin on the evil-doers‘ face. Now, in brief retrospect, if we live in a pestilence-coming-a-horror, and if we reside yet ignorant and if we doubt the only thing that we can trust are we not more susceptible to the will of evil? Surely we are and surely it will be the heel of Achilles. In our present state we are helpless. We can easily bend to a will, we can easily ‘fall in love’, we will easily take blame, and surely we will go to hell.

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Posted by on September 15, 2011 in life, philosophy, religion


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More Often Than Not

Obviously I really haven’t had the chance to update my press lately so the next few days/posts actually are on backlog so I’m going to see exactly how much of this backlog I can clear within the next couple of hours.

Okay, continuing on, I first would like to give some background on the reasoning of this post so that you can correlate it with previous and following posts. There are just several more days until the fabulous school year commences and as you all have probably experienced the drama that a high school environment can offer. And if you don’t know what it is that I’m talking about you’re probably too young and shouldn’t be reading this in the first place. But high school drama isn’t the topic at hand tonight– I’ll make a future post about what I hope to see this year– but for now, this is the cause.

Here I feel necessary to go a little more in depth with the Triad Theory of Right and Wrong (and if you have no clue what that is it’s in one of my earlier posts) which will become incredibly handy seeing that I will have quite a few topics to discuss with profundity.

So, if you don’t know what the Triad Theory is you can either stop right now and go get a background in it all or you can try and get through it.

Now that the little “disclaimer” is out the way this is the key message to understand out of this whole thing: the Triad is purely conjecture A, and B, will very very rarely express blatantly that something is right and wrong.

If you remember this Triad analysis supports majorly — however not exclusively — the age old idea of grey areas. Also if you remember how those “grey areas ” are created and if you read the title of this,  you might get a heads up on what’s coming next.

So as a recap, the conjecture relies on the judgements on topics from three viewpoints, religious, scientific and social. And if you remember very rarely do all three of those perspectives align and agree with each other thereof creating the grey area by either two perspectives being pro-situation and the last being anti-situation and vice-versa. This is what happens most of the time in the theoretical process. This process in fact is the basis for the whole setup for the relevance of the grey area. Do recall that this theory is a philosophical adage as opposed to a reference book of DOs and DON’Ts. In lieu of that, it hardly will spill out that something is right or wrong (however in certain cases it does) but the whole idea behind the principle is to suggest that right and wrong are subjective and create argument to at least qualify all sides of a debatable topic. Understanding its purpose one mustn’t forsake this though, even if it doesn’t word for word, verbatim say “This is wrong” and “That over there is right” it will (of course qualify and argue both sides–as it is supposed to) line up the facts in the accord of ‘sometimes’.

Now exactly what does that mean? Well, it simply means this. For example, lets use TOPIC X (which is a basic debatable topic that follows average course to the principle.) Religion says TOPIC X is wrong, Society accepts TOPIC X and science says TOPIC X is a-okay. Hold that thought. now for TOPIC Y (same as above explanation of X) Religion says its wrong, society says its wrong, but science has some evidence that it is medically affected etc.

Now in both cases of X and Y the Triad doesn’t all align, but since they are typical scenarios TWO out of the three agree. In the case of X two agree that X is okay, and in the case of Y two agree that it is not. Then what does that tell you if it’s not spelled out plain black or white?

This is what it tells you. I simply states that MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, Topic X is not a real problem and that in MOST CASES Topic Y is wrong and not acceptable.

So you see, the Triad doesn’t nail any one topic to a cross of wrongness or righteousness, but it will give you an idea and give you a little bias as to which side of the fence you want to be on. For it gives you not only the debatable room, for those who are comfortable enough to argue but it also supplies insight for those who are not and gives them a safety-net so to speak on issues. In actuality therefore, this theory doesn’t contradict itself as most it simply follows its own rule and by that I mean that it makes itself — the Triad– a grey, debatable topic.

Hopefully, that roundabout explanation kept your attention and  wasn’t too confusing, but if it was reread it or shoot me an email or comment below and I’ll attempt to clarify any “grey areas” (haha poor joke on my end). But other than that if you intend to continue keeping up with One Million In One — which I hope and pray that you do— it is dire to understand this in order to fully know the arguments made, recognize plausible bias, acquired bias and all of the other little tidbits that tag along with debating world problems.

Without more ado, that is all thanks for reading! LIKE COMMENT, JOIN THE FB PAGE {in the side bar}

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Posted by on August 16, 2011 in life, philosophy


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