Tag Archives: Adele

So Generally…

Lately, or rather shall I say in recent posts, I’ve mentioned a couple of things about being a poet. Well assuredly I plan to upload some of that work EVENTUALLY once the time is absolutely 100% right. (poetry comes only with true feeling at certain moments.) Specifically, the reason concerning the quote by Robert Frost (it’s at the top of the About page I believe). Poetry –at least I don’t believe is made. I believe it is felt and comes not from the brain, but straight out of one’s soul and anything else is a jumble of rhyming words, and is probably the reason my collection is so small because I have to really be inspired to start writing.

About my poetry, the majority of it is free-verse but lately I’ve been dipping into couplets and cohesive stanzas and are both a mix between English and Spanish(so either learn a second language or Google Translate :]). Thing two to note my poems are all about other people mainly love, lessons, and betrayal. Thing three and MOST DEFINITELY importante, is that 60% (I actually did the math)of all of the poems I recognize to have written are about one person in particular, I’ll disclose the fact that this person is not a girl–so that’s a hint I suppose, and check out the next blog for details on that because this post is just a technicality and I  don’t want to go through the story right now =).

On the same note of future blogs, not only will mystery dude be covered but I’ll make like a poetry directory, so you all can see everything in one place.

BUT until that day way off yonder comes I’ll give you a sample. It’s a video poem–which I do for all of my most favorite pieces when I have time– It just might be my favorite but if not definitely in the TOP 5. Without further ado, it’s called Silver Bracelet music by Adele. Like and comment what you think!!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Posted by on August 18, 2011 in poetry, random


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