Category Archives: poetry

Inspirtion is Art, Freedom, Love, and Life

Sitting here on Saturday after  Thanksgiving, and the Black Friday madness, it not until tonight it dawned on me two things, The first is what I am truly thankful for which is none other than the greatest  substance an artist can have which is inspiration! Inspiration comes in so many forms and is different for every person but my inspirations are simple and a few new discovered. First is my dear and great friend Jonathan just because of his personality and his presence and spirit that gave genuine meaning to my work, second is none other than Lady Gaga who’s message has inspired and lit the way for the creation of a more diverse and accepting world through her music, and hysterics, and recently a few individuals that inspired me in whom I found on YouTube and just have great advice, humor, and provide utmost support and an understanding outlook on the world: Davey Wavey and ILIKEJAOQUIN!

Thanks! And here is where inspiration has taken me, it’s called VII and it is the latest addition to my collection “TIME: Forever and Always” enjoy!

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Posted by on November 26, 2011 in life, philosophy, poetry


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A Poem Again

Last poem I have about Sampson, maybe not my last one but this one is la fin of being the old-me and moving on slowly, and just being honest to be real.

Not a poem, not a ring

Not a cost, nor a thing

May profess my love for you.

Not a song—

It’s not a game—

Nor a lyric shall be sang

For  nothing speaks ‘I love you’

Than what three words from voice can do—

I loved you well,

I love  you still,

A hallowed hall shall forever be a place for you.

There, in my heart is this place

A special home of yours

An abode, held near and close to my soul

Not time, not distance

Not height, nor depth

Ever’ll sep’rate you from me

Yet in theory you shall be gone—

In my heart still are you strong!

Your mem’ry and eyes stay absolute

Never earth, nor air

Never love, or care

Never hate, or pardon

Lies, nor truth…

Never a poem nor a song….

Never height nor depth

Never distance, near or far

Forever nothing to steal you from my heart


Posted by on September 2, 2011 in love, poetry


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Silver Bracelet

Now THIS is my favorite poem. Yet again it is about Sampson and this holds in 4 stanzas not my entire emotions but it’s pretty damn close to how I felt–or rather feel– about him. Trust me you’ll love it.

From the very first time that you I saw—

From your glor’ous eyes and blessed arms—

Have I been in love with you

A holiness about your smile

And an innocence in your heart;

I have ever so longed to dwell in companion

To the guiltless nature born you within.

Years have gone and days to follow

Yea have I spoken a lovely word

From afar I have you admired,

And from off have I cried this solemn tear.

Strong have I failed to stay;

To weakness and its depths have I fallen!

But know it do I, I am still in love with you

A token of my heart I did give to you

A silver piece from me to you

Does it glimmer as do your pure, sweet eyes

Its gleam to make my heart beat free—

Yet of this trinket wrapped still ‘round your wrist

I can only feel there is still a chance;

A chance that I can still love you

Tears have I fought

Lies have I silently told!

Days and years from me have fled!

Life of mine it wanes

Near’r my death arise

Aye, be there still that silver bracelet

With your name embossed forever there …

And my heartbeat in its core…

Whispering my zealous love for you…

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Posted by on September 2, 2011 in love, poetry


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Forever and Tonight

Giving up never ever seems right, and sometimes people just don’t get where you’re coming from, and that is what this is derived. Being a loving, friendly, person and making unforgivable mistakes and having to pay for every single one of them forever and eternity.

I’ve said all I can say
I’ve sang my last song
My heart has gone away
And left it a hellish blaze
I’ve loved; I did hate
Did I hate or have I loved?
My soul hath drift’d away
My spirit thither flee
Who held such control—
To take my life away?
Fate and Destiny elope here at once—
To show me what is to be my time
Gone forever; gone tonight;
Gone my bodily fervent light
Death to spirits!
Death to souls!
Death to my frail spirit and soul.
Tears to my eyes,
Fear to my heart,
Emptiness fills me low and high
I’ve given my all
My mightiest might
And to end it all; I simply fall
Forever I fall; tonight I fall
For my love, hate, tears and fear all do I fall!
Forever…and tonight…

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Posted by on September 2, 2011 in gay, life, poetry


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No Ice

I absolutely love this poem! “No Ice” presents dramatic symbolism and metaphor in order to tell you that YOU are in control of your life and you have the power to change anything if you are truly willing to do it.

Is there a cause for this despair?

Is there a reason for any such toil?

Is there a purpose for these oppressions borne upon my back–

And the horrid sorrows that I may incur?

For I say no, there are not

And for the world says ‘surely’ as for life is but a game

From her vindictive tongue spews such terrors and fears

But of me I will falter not.

Lest every day be me end, I take a cup of this

A glass of spirits a vase of serenity

Let me have this like a scotch, with no ice, rugged a sharp to me

May this be my poison–

Let it be like a smooth sweet wine that lulls me into the air

Shall I not care to have these things to combat a testy Life?

She is a harlot to me, an ender of one man’s soul.

She is a vixen and deadly abyss

Life is lives and death she brings

But to my untimely demise shan’t I face

If I have resilience and a scotch, with no ice

Years O years! They rage so on

The days an’ hours fly

And given to me as I fade away is just an empty glass

It’s crystal clear and warm to the feel

I only do wonder where those days went

Was it the hellish whore Life at my heels?

Or did I end by mine own decision?

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Posted by on September 2, 2011 in life, poetry


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