Someone Like You? Hell No!

21 Nov

Recently I restarted blogging and at this time I truly believe it is in the prime or at least the start of the prime of my online “life”.

And to continue some of you may have read my freshest blog “Recházame” which love is presented as a duality of good and malignancy and how to ultimately refresh oneself from the chains of love and live in harmony with the beauties of love.

Quite frankly this is quite a hard skill to harness and something which I am first hand dealing with first hand which is not one-hundred per cent my forte like poetry is like I’m sure harnessing half a situation isn’t your especial strong suit either. So what this is about is how or ways to harness lovely love alongside how you might change your perspective of love!

Then, question one, how are you going to go about changing your perspective of love since I can assume just a 16 year old kid telling you this won’t completely do the work for you! So what exactly can you do to you yourself go about love in a light anew? Think first about what do you channel the most of your energy into? Energy, not time. What is it that makes you separate yourself from the universe and completely immerse yourself in? For instance, I am redefining my perception of love through poetry in my Time collection, and for some it may be sports or music, or even cooking, but whatever it is you have to begin almost loving that energy in your channel and then it will most likely become your idea of love instead of the guy the you used to sit next to in geometry class!

Point two, after the process of healing has begun, how are you going to see moving on? Many people assume this is a bad notion but the infrastructure is amazing! Don’t move on until you are completely healed, but if you at least start lightly picturing what you want while the pain is fresh, you can definitely cross of your lust what you don’t want. With that being said, I still agree that you shouldn’t have a “type” since it does narrow horizons, but don’t go LOOKING for your next potential boyfriend or girlfriend. But here’s a new twist, if you are familiar with my work, you know my opinions that love is an uncontrollable entity and we can’t help who we love but! we can redefine how we do that, and with ideas based on mistakes you’ll sure learn how to handle on-the-spot situations AND when you redefine self-perception of love you will also subconsciously redefine what you will love about someone. Next step may seem counterproductive but everything I post on this blog serves a purpose and this next tip is to form your dream or ideal girl or guy from physique to IQ. This serves to kind of trick yourself, that while you have dream guy who you know doesn’t to the T exist you start to be more open to options that were there all along who meet your criteria and are even more unique based on their flaws! After all flaws make the person!

Start to think about these things! Later I will post MY ideal person *o lord…* and then continue with the tips and tricks I’m slowly discovering!

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Posted by on November 21, 2011 in love, philosophy, Uncategorized


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